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Warhammer : Chaosbane - VFX (2018)

Warhammer : Chaosbane is a project made by Eko Software and edited by Nacon.

This is a chosen selection of the effect I work on, hope you'll enjoy !

Trailer of the Game.

Basic skill set for Empire Soldier.

AOE Skill set.

Distance skill set.

Dash Skill set.

AOE debuff ennemies.

AOE heal allies.

Soldier's God Attack.

Basic set for WoodElf.

Nature Skill Set.

Trap Skill Set.

WoodElf god skills.

Level Up.

Some Ennemies I work on.

Some Ennemies I work on.

Some Ennemies I work on.

Some Ennemies I work on.

Some Ennemies I work on.

Some Ennemies I work on.

Some Ennemies I work on.

Some Ennemies I work on.